Everything was made with a purpose and an essence in mind.
When the manufacturer of that technological device that seems to be making life easier for you, made it, he had an essence in mind. He knew what he/she wanted the device to do and knew what features and characteristics it needed to have to give that essence and he made it just that way.
The essence of a thing is its characteristic or intrinsic feature, which determines its identity; fundamental nature.
When God created us, He made us in his own image and likeness, with a body, spirit and soul, with an essence in mind.
What then is that essence?
1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
This is the essence of our existence. God made us to give glory to Him every now and then. That in your words, actions and disposition to people or things, you will always give glory to God. That consciously and unconsciously, you will always give glory to Him.
Maybe you know this already but are you living it out?
Beyond speaking it out ‘My life will give glory to God’, is your life really giving glory to God.
Will men see you and say ‘Thank you Lord for that sister’ or ‘God, I want to live my everyday like that brother because his life emulates you’.
Is that your testimony? Are you living out the true essence to which God made you?
Think about it because I’m thinking about it too.
Prayer: Dear God, I ask for grace to live my every minute and seconds giving glory to You. I ask that in my words, actions and disposition to people and things, that my life will give glory to you in Jesus’ name.