The Love of God

4 min readApr 17, 2024


Between forgetting the days of the week, having health issues, and trying to do my best at work, Zoewriter suffered.

Hi there,

It’s been about a month since you last heard from me and a lot has happened.

But first:

Happy Easter (Yes, my Rev said that it isn’t only on the calendar date of Easter that we should celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He deserves to be celebrated every day because, without Him, we wouldn’t have the access we have to the Father and there wouldn’t be mercy…It will be instant judgment).


And Happy New Month…I know, I’s the 17th and I’m just wishing you..Well, this is my first conversation with you this month, so it might not be wrong to do that.

Reading through the old testaments and reading Francine Rivers’ book, “The Lineage of Grace” opened my eyes to see the privileges we currently enjoy through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Recently, I saw a round of tweets talking about how God gave judgments to people on the spot when they sinned. Imagine someone just told a small lie and the next thing..Gbam…The person is on the floor, dead. Be true to yourself; would you still be living by now?

Or is it the fact that they had to slaughter an animal every time they sinned as an atonement for their sin? How many animals will you have bought at your age? Will you even be able to afford the animals?

Or the times, they had to pray through prophets..this one that you’re in your room skabashing, it would’ve been a prophet; you will have to go and tell what you want God to do for you. How free and open will you be to tell the prophet exactly how things are going with you?

Or is it the gift of forgiveness, reconciliation, salvation, redemption, and eternal life that we now enjoy through Christ?

What about the holiness, sanctification, and blamelessness that we now enjoy?

The mediation He does for us?

The communion with the Father that we enjoy?

The love of God?

The Grace that we enjoy?

Or the special seat we now have at the right hand of the Father through Him?

Without Jesus, our righteousness is like a filthy rag before God.

No matter what we did, we couldn’t have been able to win God over to our side.

And it all leaves me with a question:

If it was me that they told me what the significance of my death would do for others, would I have agreed to die?

Would you have?

Not just for anyone, but for sinners guilty of their sins. Wouldn’t you have said, “Every man should fight for himself and face the consequences of their sins?

Romans 5:8 NIV “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”

Now that God has demonstrated His love, how do you demonstrate your love towards others?

How do you extend this love of God shown to you to others?

Have you even accepted this love of God and all the privileges it gives you?

Or you’re waiting for a certain time before accepting that love?

Now is the best time to accept this Love that God has shown to us through His dear son, Jesus Christ. If you’re yet to accept this love, say this short prayer with me:

‘Almighty God, I come to you today. I confess that I am a sinner, and I cannot save myself. I believe that Jesus Christ came to this world, he died on the cross for my sins and rose again triumphant on the third day. Right now, I repent of my sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into my life to be my Lord and personal Saviour. I believe, according to your word, that I am now saved. Thank you Jesus for saving me from my sins. In Jesus Name, amen.’

If you said that prayer, Congratulations. You have now accepted the love of God. Get yourself a Bible and a bible-believing church where the word is preached undiluted and join the brethren in fellowship.

And if you’re saved, remind yourself of the goodness and love of God shown towards you. Thank Him for the privileges you enjoy in Christ and continue to spread this love to everyone around you.

See you soon 🤗🤗




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