Do you feel overwhelmed or downtrodden?
Do you feel like everything is happening too fast and you really need a pause?
Do you feel the need to give up and just stay low watching everything go the way it wants to?
It may be a trying and difficult time for you
However, hold on 🤗
As Christians, it’s important for us to keep hope alive at all times, but especially in trying times. How then do we keep hope alive in hard times? Especially when we have the notion that since God is omnipotent He should keep us from hard times. I mean who wants to go through a tough time if it can be avoided, right?
Practice gratitude. Thinking about all that you are grateful for puts things in a new and happier perspective, which naturally makes you more hopeful.
Imagine the new situation you want to see yourself in. That way, your mind begins to find new ways of getting you there. Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…
Trust God to bring you out to your desired place.
As long as you are still living, keep hope alive.
Ecclesiastes 9:4 “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.”
Believe that God is right there with you in that situation and circumstance and He is able to bring you out of it in victory.