Follow the HolySpirit

2 min readNov 16, 2022


The Holyspirit is the best guide you can have as a believer. He sees and knows everything and who is best to give you directions if not Him.

Last week, we talked about finding your path and one of the best ways to find your path is to follow the Holyspirit.

That voice speaking to you that you address as “My mind told me but I didn’t listen”, it wasn’t your mind, it was the spirit of God.

If you don’t understand or know how the Holyspirit speaks, you won’t be able to follow his leadings for you.

He is constantly speaking every time as long as we’re willing to hear Him. And the first step in knowing and recognizing His voice is through His word (the scriptures).

Spending time in the scripture, through study and meditation sharpens our spirit man and helps us build capacity to hear, know and discern the voice of God.

How often do you study the word of God?

Do you have a time you created for the word of God or it all ends after the service on Sunday?

Does the word of God dwell in your heart or is it accumulating dust on your table?

When you read the word of God, do you take time to meditate on it and how it speaks to you?

Romans 8:14 “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

Are you led by the spirit of God?




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