Don’t give up HOPE

2 min readJun 8, 2022


Hey dear,

How are you?

How are you feeling?

I hope you don’t feel numb and helpless?

There’s so much happening around the world, in different countries, your home country and your personal life.

I hope you have not given up?

I really hope you’ve not lost hope and faith in the fact that things can get better?

Its hard not to sincerely, especially if you live in some specific countries in the world.

Romans 4:18 NLT “Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping — believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!”

What’s that promise God has given you about your life and situation?

What’s that prophecy you received about your home country, the nations of the world and the world at large?

Does it look like you’re not anywhere close to it’s fulfilment?

Does it look like these nations are really far from the reality of the prophecies?

Don’t give up hope dear

Don’t get weary

I know it’s hard especially with the news always flying around in milliseconds

But you can do it

If you need to rest, please rest

If you need to avoid news channels, please do it

But most importantly, don’t give up on the fact that things can get better

Don’t give up on prayers and supplications

Don’t give up on praises and thanksgiving even if your condition seems to deserve the opposite

Just do it and believe that God is and will work it all out

Don’t be tired dear.

It will all be over soon and we will all rejoice and testify

Stay strong. God has given us VICTORY!

And we will overcome in Jesus’ name 🙏




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